Service of Process

When can the Secretary of State accept service of process?

  • When the defendant is an out-of-state charitable organization soliciting contributions in the State of Maryland.

  • Authority: Business Regulation Article, §6-202 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
  • When Maryland’s Insurance Commission initiates a court or administrative proceeding against an unauthorized insurer or person in the insurance business.

  • Authority: Insurance Article, §4-207(a) Annotated Code of Maryland.

When can the Secretary of State accept service on behalf of individuals?​

  • Address Confidentiality Program Participants.  Participants accepted into the Address Confidentiality Program provide a knowing and voluntary designation of the Secretary of State as agent for purposes of service of process and receipt of first-class, certified, or registered mail.  Md. Code Ann., State Gov't § 7-304. 
  • ​Out of State Individuals Commissioned as Maryland Notaries Public.  An out-of-state notary shall be deemed to have irrevocably appointed the Secretary of State as the notary's agent upon whom may be served any summons, subpoena, subpoena duces tecum, or other process.  Md. Code Ann., State Gov't § 18-101. 

Please Note: The Secretary of State can not accept service on behalf of a business entity formed in the State of Maryland. For information on serving a business entity formed in Maryland, please contact the Service of Process Unit of the State Department of Assessments and Taxation at 410-767-8195 or 888-246-5941 (Maryland only). You may also search for an entity's resident agent online at For more information call (410) 974-5521 or e-mail the Secretary of State's Office