Raffles of Real Property & Personal Property

Under Criminal Law Article, §12-106 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, a charitable organization may conduct a raffle of real property if it is for the exclusive benefit of the organization and the prize awarded is real property to which the charity holds title or to which the charity has the ability to transfer title. A charity can not conduct more than two (2) raffles in a calendar year.

Under Code of Maryland Regulations, a charitable organization must submit to the Charitable Org​anizations Division a disclosure statement prior to advertising or conducting a raffle of real property. The disclosure statement includes information such as the name and address of the charity, the address and description of the property to be raffled, the date, time, and location of the raffle, the amount of consideration, and the encumbrances and costs attributable to the winner of the raffle.

In addition to submitting the disclosure statement, the charity must obtain a permit, if applicable, from the county in which the raffle will be conducted and the county or counties in which tickets will be sold. Please refer to the "Raffles of Personal Property" for the appropriate county agency.

In order for the charitable organization to be able to conduct a raffle of real property, the charity must own at least equitable title to the real property to be raffled. It is acceptable for the transfer of title to the charity to be conditioned upon the actual holding or outcome of the raffle. If the transfer is subject to a condition, the charity must submit with its disclosure statement a bona fide independent appraisal of the property.

Additionally, the regulations specify the information that must be included on the raffle ticket and the time period during which the transfer must occur. After the transfer, the charity is required to submit an accounting of all income and expenditures associated with the raffle.

To obtain a copy of the relevant provision of the Code of Maryland Regulations and the appropriate forms, please contact the Division. 

  • Disclosure Statement for Raffles of Real Property
  • Accounting Report for Raffle of Real Property
  • Certification by Raffle Winner
  • Raffles of Real Property regulations


Raffles of Personal Property

Raffles of personal property (generally defined as all property other than real estate) are usually governed at the county level in Maryland. Many counties and Baltimore City require a permit before conducting a raffle in the county or selling raffle tickets in the county, even if t​he raffle is conducted in another county.

Prior to selling tickets for the raffle, please contact the appropriate county agency listed below.

Allegany County
Does not issue permits for raffles
Anne Arundel County
Does not issue permits for raffles
Baltimore City
Permits Department
Baltimore City Police Department
601 East Fayette Street
Baltimore MD 21202
Baltimore County
Department of Permits & Development Management
County Office Building
11 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson MD 21204
Calvert County
Does not issue permits for raffles
Caroline County
Does not issue permits for raffles
Carroll County
Collections Office
225 North Center Street
Westminster MD 21157
Cecil County
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Licensing Department
129 East Main Street, Room 208
Elkton MD 21921
Charles County
County Attorney's Office
P. O. Box B
Government Building
La Plata MD 20646
Dorchester County
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Cambridge MD 21613
Permission granted & enforcement handled by the State's Attorney at 410-228-3611.
Frederick County
Department of Permits & Inspections
30 North Market Street
Frederick MD 21701
Garrett County
Does not issue permits for raffles
Harford County
Sheriff's Office
45 South Meadow Street
Bel Air MD 21014
Howard County
Carroll Building
3450 Courthouse Drive
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Kent County
County Commissioner's Office
103 North Cross Street
Chestertown MD 21620
Montgomery County
Licensure & Regulatory Services
255 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD 20850
240-777- 3986
Prince George's County
Business & License Office
6016 Princess Garden Parkway, Suite 370
New Carrollton MD 20784
Queen Anne's County
Human Resources Department
107 North Liberty Street
Centreville MD 21617
St. Mary's County
Does not issue permits for raffles
Somerset County
Sheriff's Office
30426 Sam Barnes Road

Westover MD 21811
Talbot County
Does not issue permits for raffles. For information, contact the County Manager's office - 410-777-8010
Washington County
Does not issue permits for raffles
Wicomico County
Sheriff's Office
411 Naylor Mill Road
Salisbury MD 21801
Worcester County
Development, Review & Permitting
13070 St. Martin's Neck Road
Bishopville MD 21813