Student Civic Engagement Ambassador Program
Creating an opportunity for Maryland's high school students to engage as community leaders. Click here to fill out the application form.
About the Student Civic Engagement Ambassador Program (SCEAP)
The program is designed to encourage student engagement in Maryland civics, promote voter registration and poll worker recruitment among their peers, as well as highlighting other civic volunteer opportunities in their communities. The Secretary of State's Student Civic Engagement Ambassador Program is designed for 10th-12th grade students.
There are a wide range of opportunities for Student Ambassadors to earn points that will be tracked to provide additional opportunities such as a certificate of completion, recommendation letters, and nominations to national civics awards.
Below is a breakdown of ways to earn points.
Points are earned by individual students who complete any of the options listed below. We encourage you to step out of your comfort zone when earning points too - it is important to diversify the ways you earn points.
Work at a Poll Place on Election Day (1,500 points per student):
Serve as a Poll Worker in a polling location in your community. There are many opportunities to serve and learn about the election process.
Recruit Poll Workers (1,500 per student):
The State Board of Elections is always looking for Poll Workers to serve in their local communities. Recruit your friends to become poll workers throughout the election processes. Their website has more information for how to get involved.
Every person recruited will add an additional 100 points to their score, but any demonstration that you organized a legitimate event for the purpose of Poll Worker recruitment will earn the full 1,500 points.
Work as a Page at the State House (1,500 points per student): ** Only available Spring Semester**
The Maryland Page Program is open to all high school seniors for participation. The Maryland General Assembly meets in Annapolis from the second Wednesday in January through the last Monday in April. Each page will serve two nonconsecutive weeks during the legislative session. Duties could include distributing materials and delivering messages on the floor to delegates, updating bill books, and helping visitors. More information is on their website:
Host a Voter Registration Drive (1,000 points):
Voting is an important way for those who are eligible to be civically engaged. Host an opportunity for eligible students and community members to register to vote.
Serve in an Elected Position (1,000 points):
Serve in an elected position at your school or community. Examples include Student Government, a Community-based club, or on the Board of Education.
Provide Written Testimony on a Bill (750 points):
It is important for your voice to be heard! Testify at the Annapolis State House on a Bill that you’re passionate about and/or affects your community. We will help you with this process and explain how to be an effective advocate for yourself and your community.
Meet with Local Elected Officials (750 points):
Meet with an elected official to host a talk or attend a meeting with an official to discuss topics that matter to your school. We can help facilitate a meeting with a local elected official.
Volunteer with Registered Civics Charity (250 points):
Volunteer with a Registered Civics-Based charity in your local community. We can help to identify some opportunities if you need assistance.
Attend a Civic Meeting (200 points per student):
There are many civic meetings that are open to the public throughout the school year. Attend a meeting (either virtually or in person) to learn more about what’s going on and have the opportunity to share your voice in your community. Examples include County Council, Maryland General Assembly, HomeOwners Association, Board of Education, or Town Council.
Points are earned by schools who complete any of the options listed below. We encourage you to step out of your comfort zone when earning points too - it is important to diversify the ways you earn points for your school. The more involved your school is, the more points you’ll earn. The school at the end of the year with the most points will receive a trophy and award ceremony in Annapolis.
Bonus Points (available with discretion)
As a Student Ambassador you will have three main
responsibilities. There are important aspects to be mindful of when engaging in the community and with your peers. While there are many ways to engage others as a Student Ambassador, it is important that you model these three responsibilities in all of the work that you do.
Your Main Responsibilities Are To:
Learn about Civic Opportunities in Maryland and respectfully engage in your community.
There are many groups across Maryland that are focused on serving others. Serving and encouraging others to serve in your local communities is the most important role of a Student Ambassador. While serving, it is paramount to remain respectful when engaging with others. Service and civics are for everyone, and as a Student Ambassador, you are charged with bridging your high school and local community through different service opportunities. While you are not a representative of the State of Maryland (and you should make that clear if asked), as a Student Ambassador there is a duty as well as a responsibility to be respectful of opposing viewpoints and life experiences.
Get others engaged in the process of voting and participation in the process.
Voting is an important way for people to have their voices represented and become engaged. As a Student Ambassador, your role in voting isn’t to share information about specific candidates. Instead, you are a facilitator between access to voting and your local community. Encouraging others to vote, sharing information about voting processes and hosting voter registration drives are ways that you can become engaged in the voting process. Also, consider working as a poll worker as well as recruiting others to this important role.
Be conscious of misinformation.
There is a barrage of information that is spread across the media, especially social media. As a Student Ambassador, it is important that you are aware of misinformation and credible news information. Make sure that you research a topic before you share information about it, and share information that is factual and is credible. Outrage is something that can be curated into meaningful action, but without a filter of reason and due diligence, it can lead to a downward spiral of disengagement and cynicism.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do interested individuals sign up?
Any interested student will sign up through the office’s online portal. As a precaution, we must confirm understanding from a legal guardian that there is no legal liability attached to the state or our office for participation in the program.
How do you submit points?
Each student will submit their event for points through email with evidence of the activity.
How do I receive a recommendation letter?
We will provide tailored written recommendations to the top point earners each term.
Contact and Communication with the Office of the Secretary of State’s Student Civic Engagement Ambassador Program:
If you have questions or concerns that arise as a Student Ambassador, the Office of the Secretary of State is here to help you!
Below are some ways to contact SCEAP team members in our office.
Name and Title: Michael Lore, Deputy Secretary of State
*These are your main points of contact for the Program, please contact them directly and not the Office of the Secretary of State’s general contact information.
This is a list of several reputable Fact-Checking Organizations:
ALA Resources –
click on this link for more general understanding of information literacy and the importance of this subject for our democratic process.