Public Access to Files

held by the Charitable Organizations Division


When you visit the Office of the Secretary of State to review records filed by charities, we'd like to make your stay pleasant and profitable. We want it to be time well spent. In order to serve you more efficiently and with greater insight, we ask your help. If, when planning to come to our office to examine files, you will take the following steps, we will be able to provide greater help. Please


  • Make an appointment in advance.
  • Limit the files you request to ten.
  • Send a written list of the files to be reviewed before your appointment. This may be done by e-mail or fax. The FAX number for the Charitable Organizations division is 410-974-5527.
  • Schedule your appointment between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
  • Please make certain that you are finished by the close of business (4:30 p.m.).
  • Complete the file review sheet before leaving.
Occasionally there may be a valid reason to make an exception to this procedure. All such exceptions will be made by the director on a case by case basis.
You may contact us
By mail:
Charitable Organizations Division
Office of the Secretary of State
State House
Annapolis MD 21401
  By Telephone:
410-974-5534 or
(within Maryland)
By Email: